Category: Syringe

A safety syringe with a retractable needle

What are Safety Syringes?

A safety syringe is a specialized device designed to reduce the risk of needlestick injuries and the transmission of blood-borne diseases. It protects healthcare workers

What is a Syringe

What is a Syringe?

A syringe is a medical device used to inject fluids into or withdraw fluids from the body. It typically consists of a hollow cylindrical barrel,

Different Types of Syringes and Their Uses

Different Types of Syringes and Their Uses

The syringe, an essential medical instrument, has significantly changed since its invention. These small, underestimated tools play an essential role in medical diagnostics, treatment, and

What is an Insulin Syringe

What is an Insulin Syringe?

An insulin syringe is a medical device for administering insulin, a hormone used to manage diabetes. These syringes are designed explicitly for insulin injections, which